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Tuesday, February 06, 2007
~ 8:19 PM ~
Hmm been pretty busy with school work this sem.. Plus other projects to do outside = no time... But anyway at least i feel that i'm in school now haha.. last time its like.. come 3 days a wk half the time do nothing one..

Oh i just went for interview on monday.. Its for internship @ FJ Benjamin.. Hope to get in~~~ the CEO is quite a nice guy.. the interview is more like casual chatting session. oh well. Nxt wk will know the results~

i owe nu er chocos v long le. die. have to give a big big bag of chocos nxt time... =P

This wkend is kayin bdae~ long time nv go out with her and the rest of the guys le. Sat prob go out in the afternoon for mini celebration.

There's acct quiz nxt wk.. sian.. thursday.. ans wrong will minus marks. siao one zzzz. I'm quite lost for some parts of acct cos slp in lecture lol have to study liao.. But Vday nxt wk also -_- wed .... Wan to celebrate earlier but think dear not happy -_- haiz.. wad to do... zzzz dun wan her to be sad leh..

zzzz go do some acct le. better catch up b4 i get 0 for quiz~

Sunday, January 14, 2007
~ 10:19 PM ~
Wah v long nv blog liao.. Haha paiseh =P nothing much to blog about also... Well.. everything is going ok.. I have my driving test tml though .. Wish me luck guys..

Past mth was pretty ok. Sch just started so quite relax.. Didn't spend my entire hols going out with gf like alot of pple think.. Maybe twice a wk only not alot hor. We manage to go zoo!! quite fun =) Took some photos also but lazy to upload =P

Aniway... gave her xmas present.. made it myself. spend some days to do one heh.. Xmas went ktv with dear and my cousins.. den new yr we spend the night watching countdown on tv at her place and eating potato wedges and sotong balls. haha.

Oh i exchange alot of bks with da jie (michelle) quite nice~ her library shd be able to last me half a yr or more.. Wheeee.

My cousin just bought a dog. Jack Russell~ 2 mths old \. name is Coco she's a bitch (female dog) =P. v small size one. haha

Dear's prawn mee shop adopted a sick kitten.. But i think it might die hmm Hope its still alive nxt wk cos the kitten ran out and dunno go where. tonight and tml it'll have to survive on its own.

Dear is not nice also..... I not happy.. my grandma buy clothes for her den ask dear to call my ah ma to thank her she dun wan.. zzzzz

i go play game le. Tml will be a better day!! PASS DRIVING! =P

Thursday, November 30, 2006
~ 11:15 PM ~
No more exams! for this sem -_- =P

Oh well finally over.. Last paper was ok...

Dear dear came to pei me on tuesday.. she bought KFC for me~ Zinger meal.. but nv change the cheese fries to mash potatoes.. :( i sad cos she say she dunno i like mash potatoes :( den I dun wan to eat the cheese fries.. den i watch my anime.. v exciting last few episodes.. after that go for paper.. After i finish paper we went to watch 墨攻v v nice everyone go watch~~

Wednesday~ After i went for FYP meeting.. we went Jurong Point cos junrong wan to sell his HP. den after that went to hougang plaza (some ulu place at hougang) to eat suki sushi buffet~~ Eat alot manz.. i like the shitake tempura~ Mushroomssssss.. the fried ebi maki is gd too~ plus free flow drinks oni at 16.90++ ~ =P Den we went to her house..

Dear Sorry on tuesday i watch anime nv tok to u.. act is cos i nv hear u.. not i dun wan to reply u.. :( Sorry for being naughty .... *Hugz*

Sunday, November 26, 2006
~ 3:08 AM ~
Hmm I almost fainted just now dunno wad happen... Was playing game den went to toilet.. den come out suddenly feel v weak.. cold sweat.. den can't walk also... den I slowly made my way to my parents' rm ... den mum help me apply medicated oil.. after awhile felt better... Dunno whether its cos of my thalassemia.. But its damn scary. my heart was like beating quite hard also.. Quite disturbing to think wad might happen if i fainted hmm..

Aniway.. I love everyone esp my family and dear dear *kiss*~

Going to get some slp. wake up go sch and mug. Paper on monday and tuesday.. Gd luck to everyone~ Exams are almost over~

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
~ 8:13 PM ~
Zzzz V v Sian~ Dun feel like studying hahaz. open bk means slack already zzz oni got 212 left to study.. the rest all no motivation~

Dear has sorethroat n Flu~ So kelian v xinku at night can't slp~ Get well soon k. *kiss*

I got abit of sorethroat now also... Time to drink pi pa gao. i love pi pa gao. v nice to drink.... sorethroat gimme the excuse to drink it =PpPpp

207 paper is ok... hope to get A+ for it..
213 is on thursday... No mood to study
103 is on monday... No mood study also.
212 is on tuesdy.. Monday den study.. zzz

I need new games... My fren has never winter nights 2 woohoo.. going to find time to kope from him~

Things to do After Exam:
Go Genting!
Watch Movies!
Go Zoo with Dear dear~
Work.. Work.. Work..
Renew my Kino membership for christmas sale~
and more to come ^_^

Btw i'm going to order dvds from msia who wans to place orders lol. lemme know =P

Friday, November 17, 2006
~ 9:03 AM ~
Dear having OB exam now~ Best of luck~

Hmm Think this sem shd be able to maintain gpa ba.. Hoping to do well for both IT modules.. Hopefully Marketing can get A- . Dun think will do well for Comms cos my writing grades sucked :( So. B for Research and Comms. Average out B+ will be gd ~ WIsh me LucK~ Now time to chiong RM~

Oh and good luck to all taking exams also!! =) Although most wld have started ur first paper le. but well wishes are nv too late =)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
~ 10:33 PM ~
Exam coming! =X So sian.. Blog abit first..

Oh well 2 wks nv blog. So lets see wad happened....

last last tuesday~ went for driving in the morning.. it was holiday so it was more expensive lol. 48 dollars for 2 hours. :( den after driving i bought cheng ting and went to bx's shop. Her dad went to buy chicken rice den after that we had lunch together. I learn how to take orders.. Pretty easy... scoop ice also v easy.. think can learn how to make coffee.. den i can drink myself~~~ =P

After helping out for awhile. we did some homework.. den when customers come go help. den study.. evening time study until abit sian den went to walk ard the place with dear.. we ended up in the play ground den started to play the swing.. Dear like to sit on the swing.. den i help push her ~ my legs are 2 long so i sit awhile 'suan' already cos must lift them up if not will hit the ground.. Nxt up was the see-saw. but dear went up and den was scared.. so we went to play on a rotating stool.. u sit den turn and turn.. den will see stars after awhile =P Heh.. We're soo childish..

26 Oct Thurs.. Usual long day in sch. lessons until 630. Met dear to study~ After studying we went to eat supper at ah fang~ Climb gate den walk there to eat Ba Chor Mee. I tabao 1 packet for minghong cos i going his rm to zzz. After climbing the gate back.. i piggy back dear dear across the road.. we made so much noise. Dear v scared of falling down one =P I think we woke up pple in hal 5.. so hurry up walk away.. Den on the way back to hall 2. .a black cat 'stalked' us.. Dear was v v scared.. so we walk fast fast all the way to hall 2. After that i went to MH rm to zzzzz. he was WoWing the whole night so i get to zzz in his bed.~~

Friday woke up and went for FYP meeting~ was abit late haha. den ate beehoon and drink coffee during the meeting. i love eating during meetings.. k den finish already split the work and go home zzzzzz.

Sat. work in the morn.. then afternoon went to bugis to play san guo~ den met dear in the evening to eat dinner~ She was shopping with jessica and frens.. den i brought her to eat ma la huo guo~ she eat v little loh. bo hua one she eat buffet haha. Dinner was alrite =) den we went to National Library to explore the place.. the garden at 5th floor not bad can see the pool and hotel intercontinental .. den I gave her surprise gift~ dear liked it alot.. I'm happy she likes it =) designed it myself~

After that i went to timbre there's openstage going on.. went to sign cheques.. pay money to performers.. and count the money from rental of fleamarket stalls.. the music was not that gd this time round... oh well but its the last open stage this yr. taking a 2 mth break ~

31st oct.. Its halloween~~ Had 213 test in the morning! i dunno wad i was doing lolz. the mcq machiam tikam game.. Oh well but i met dear at night to watch movie! =) free movie to watch grudge 2 aka ju-on. We got no time to eat dinner so we tabao fd from taka downstairs.. got the japanese fried noodles.. and takopachia.. and beard papa.. and carrot cake.. Smuggle inside the cinema to eat~~ The show's quite scary! not bad.. not like haunted apartments... had a gd scare. den after that we went to walk walk.. brought her to istana park~~ den sit down by the pool to finish up the food~ after eating. .we went did stupid things again.. dear took off her heels den we walked to the middle of the pool. she purposely kick water at my shoes.. >_< hee.. but was quite fun =P bet the pple at giraffe was thinking wad these 2 crazy pple doing haha... Oh well after that send dear back to sch den i zzzz in her room cos her roomie not back.. den i scared she 怕怕. when her roomie back i took a cab home~

wed.. V slack day~ Went to timbre with Junliang and Minghong.. Usual timbre gang.. Had a few drinks. listen to EIC play.. den go edward's house. Den i had to rush my 214 presentation which was in the morning hoho. Watched Man U lose a stupid game. sux man.. waste my time.. den i went home. bathe den go school lol.

Thursday~ Had No sleep and its final presentation for 214! wasn't too bad.. had a few language lapses.. but overall did well.. After that met dear dear... she study while i slp and play dota.. hmm after that we went to ah fangs to eat supper again.. Ate prata this time.. den 1 prata not enuff so eat loh mee =X den we went to sit in the pavilion at yun nan gardens.. after awhile send her back to hall den i went Junliang room to zzz. his roomie not ard.. so i get another bed to slp~

Friday woke up.. ate lunch with dear.. den went home to change and rest.. Met dear inthe evening and we went to shop.. bought cake for dad and dear got a shirt for my dad~ Den i went home.. den bought hongkong mee from 216.. went to jinghao house to makan. .and den tried new games.. battlefield not so fun.. company of heroes is damn fun though.. so i kope the game from him. Who wan to borrow can ask from me.. its full installation..

Sunday woke up den went to find dear at the shop... help out abit den studied abit of BM212.. Had prawn noodles for lunch yummie~ Den there was this uncle who's a regular customer eating at the shop. Apparently he wants to intro his son to dear.. come on..that guy confirm stand no chance one dun waste time lolz.. den ard 4+ we went to bugis.. to the guan yin miao to pray pray.. and donate money.. and take sweets. den we went to national lib to study~ There were so mani muggers!! the study lounge was full. pple were sitting on the floor.. gosh.. we ended up in the corridors.. sitting by the pillar and pulled a bench to use as a table! Classic muggers.. so proud of myself.. although its just faking to me muggers.. cos i ended up playing company of heroes.. den after that we went to sakae to eat sushi and fried maki and chawanmushi ... den i send dear back and go home~

Okie.. v tired le.. i v loh suo rite zzzz time to play game and slp~

about me

* Zixiang
* 22/M
* 11th June 1984

leave a note


* Cindy
* ShuHui
* Shuting
* KoLay
* yFK
* Michelia
* Bao Bei Nu Er
* DaViNa~
* SylVia
* Michelle
* Kai
* JunRong


* May 2006* June 2006* September 2006* October 2006* November 2006* January 2007* February 2007


* cindy =)
* j-wen
* deviantart
* brushes
* blogskins
* blogger